Routes in the environs
Matamala Plains

The Matamala plains are located at the foot of the Gavarres, in a landscape made up of a mosaic of pine and oak forests and crop fields. The path climbs slightly from the village, passing through the Plaza de la Coma, halfway up the hill in the district of Matamala. From this quiet, rural location you can enjoy impressive views of the entire plain, Montseny, Rocacorba and Canigó.
On the way, you can take the opportunity to visit the Art Park, an outdoor exhibition of contemporary art located just off the route. Once in Matamala you can take a detour a few kilometres to the chapel of Sant Cristòfor del Bosc, a place where you can rest in the shade of the oak groves. On the way back down towards town, and before taking a well-deserved rest in one of the bars on Passeig Vilaret or Plaça de la Coma, you can also visit the tomb of the unknown soldier, where the remains of a Republican soldier from the Civil War were buried until they were exhumed in 2017.
A route that will surprise you with the beauty of the landscape, especially in spring.